Sunday, April 23, 2006

Go For It! (-- I mean, I can always take this down later, right?)

My first blog entry! It seems so "committal;" maybe I should stay to the message boards, and the comfortable anonymity of screen names like Torgo and Guy Habanero. No, I'm definitely going to do this -- if that's okay.

I first want to acknowledge the writer who has most inspired me lately:
John Stanko. His blog is at
and it will be a permanent link elsewhere on this page,
once I get around to customizing it.

Then another, less contemporary guy named Melville:
"...But as in landlessness alone resides the highest truth, shoreless, indefinite as God -- so, better is it to perish in that howling infinite, than be ingloriously dashed upon the lee, even if that were safety!"

[If you have no need for functioning eyesight, you can read Moby Dick online at, among other places,
(Chapter 23 -- The Lee Shore)]

The adventure begins....

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